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Have you ever felt caged in? Trapped in circumstances? There seems to be no way out. The pain you feel is so deep it has left you numb. There are no more tears in your eyes because you have shed them all. All that is left is a hopelessness and hollowness that cannot be described. Your dreams cease to matter because your future looks grim. You have tried all you could do in your own power to live again, to smile, to be happy from the inside out but you have been unable. 

Well, I’ve been there a countless number of times, but believe you me, there’s a way out. There’s hope because you are not alone. Listen to the still small voice inside your head. The still small voice of the one that loves you. He is calling you out of your misery. All you have to do is to reach out and hold his hand. Remember that when your hand is weak and tired, his still has a hold. 

What is so big that our God cannot do? NOTHING! His arms are open wide to receive you, to comfort you. You are never alone, even in those claustrophobic circumstances. God does love you. His strength is our joy. Let him bring you out of the hole you’ve been in and you’ll be refreshed, rejuvenated. Just know this, believe this, YOU ARE NEVER ALONE!

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