Dear ladies,
I know it's a long article but worth reading and sharing to your fellow lady.
I took my time to make thorough research to bring you this because I made a vow to teach, inspire till I expire.
How Does Age Affect Female Fertility?
A woman’s age affects her fertility. Age is no barrier to achieving many things. But it can reduce the chance of a woman getting pregnant and having a healthy baby. A woman’s age is the single most important factor affecting her fertility.
Fertility is ageist. Age is the single most important factor affecting your fertility and your chances of having a child.
Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have. As a woman ages, her eggs age with her, diminishing in quantity and quality.
Age is not something we can control. But if you want a baby or another baby, and you’re in a relationship, you can have a conversation with your partner sooner rather than later. The father's age can also impact on chance of conception, time to pregnancy, risk of miscarriage and the health of the child.
I know it's a long article but worth reading and sharing to your fellow lady.
I took my time to make thorough research to bring you this because I made a vow to teach, inspire till I expire.
How Does Age Affect Female Fertility?
A woman’s age affects her fertility. Age is no barrier to achieving many things. But it can reduce the chance of a woman getting pregnant and having a healthy baby. A woman’s age is the single most important factor affecting her fertility.
Fertility is ageist. Age is the single most important factor affecting your fertility and your chances of having a child.
Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have. As a woman ages, her eggs age with her, diminishing in quantity and quality.
Age is not something we can control. But if you want a baby or another baby, and you’re in a relationship, you can have a conversation with your partner sooner rather than later. The father's age can also impact on chance of conception, time to pregnancy, risk of miscarriage and the health of the child.
The facts about women, age and fertility.
As a woman ages, it takes longer to conceive and the risk of not being able to get pregnant increases. Also, the risk of a miscarriage, and complications in pregnancy and childbirth, increase.
The figures about women, age and fertility chances of getting pregnant:
*.Starting at about age 32, a woman’s chances of conceiving decreases gradually but significantly.
*.From age 35, the fertility decline speeds up.
*.By age 40, fertility has fallen by half.
*.At 30, the chance of conceiving per cycle is about 20%.
At 40 it’s around 5%.Pregnancy and birth risks for older mothers
*.The risks of pregnancy and birth complications – and caesarean section – increase with age. Complications include gestational diabetes,placen ta praevia, and placenta abruption.
*.Older women are more likely to have a baby with birth defects or genetic abnormalities.
Women are born with a finite number of eggs. Thus, as the reproductive years progress, the number and quality of the eggs diminish. The chances of having a baby decrease by 3% to 5% per year after the age of 30. This reduction infertility is noted to a much greater extent after age 40.
Infertility in women is also linked to age. The biggest decrease in fertility begins during the mid-thirties. Among women who are 35, 50% will get pregnant after three years of having regular unprotected sex. For women who are 38, only 30% will get pregnant after three years of having regular unprotected sex.
A woman's fertility is affected by her age. The average age of a girl's first period (menarche) is 12-13 (12.5 years in the united States, 12.72 in Canada, 12.9 in the Africa and UK), but, in post menarchal girls, about 80% of the cycles are an ovulatory in the first year after menarche, 50% in the third and 10% in the sixth year.
EXPLANATION: A woman's fertility peaks in the early and mid 20s, after which it starts to decline, with this decline being accelerated after age 35. However, the exact estimates of the chances of a woman to conceive after a certain age are not clear, with research giving differing results. The chances of a couple to successfully conceive at an advanced age depend on many factors, including the general health of a woman and the fertility of the male partner.
*.The risks of pregnancy and birth complications – and caesarean section – increase with age. Complications include gestational diabetes,placen
*.Older women are more likely to have a baby with birth defects or genetic abnormalities.
Women are born with a finite number of eggs. Thus, as the reproductive years progress, the number and quality of the eggs diminish. The chances of having a baby decrease by 3% to 5% per year after the age of 30. This reduction infertility is noted to a much greater extent after age 40.
Infertility in women is also linked to age. The biggest decrease in fertility begins during the mid-thirties. Among women who are 35, 50% will get pregnant after three years of having regular unprotected sex. For women who are 38, only 30% will get pregnant after three years of having regular unprotected sex.
A woman's fertility is affected by her age. The average age of a girl's first period (menarche) is 12-13 (12.5 years in the united States, 12.72 in Canada, 12.9 in the Africa and UK), but, in post menarchal girls, about 80% of the cycles are an ovulatory in the first year after menarche, 50% in the third and 10% in the sixth year.
EXPLANATION: A woman's fertility peaks in the early and mid 20s, after which it starts to decline, with this decline being accelerated after age 35. However, the exact estimates of the chances of a woman to conceive after a certain age are not clear, with research giving differing results. The chances of a couple to successfully conceive at an advanced age depend on many factors, including the general health of a woman and the fertility of the male partner.
From a purely biological perspective, it's best to try to start a family before you're 35 years old.
Men can remain fertile for much longer than women. Even though male fertility also declines with age, it tends to happen gradually for men.
While many men remain fertile into their 50s and beyond, the proportion of men with sperm disorders increases with age. The decline in male fertility is more gradual for men than women. The decline in male fertility can affect the health of the children they may go on to have.
Men can remain fertile for much longer than women. Even though male fertility also declines with age, it tends to happen gradually for men.
While many men remain fertile into their 50s and beyond, the proportion of men with sperm disorders increases with age. The decline in male fertility is more gradual for men than women. The decline in male fertility can affect the health of the children they may go on to have.
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