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Become The Leader You Would Want To Follow

To be a leader, you have to be leading at something, and it has to be worthwhile for people to follow you. Nobody will want to follow someone going nowhere and doing nothing. It is not strange to find so many people dreaming of becoming popular and on the top of the world and am not saying it is bad to dream, for real it is possible to be the
next icon and a person to follow come tomorrow.

How does it begin then? It all begins with you. Am sure you have heard this before but I want to break it down. To be somebody that someone else will follow, start by being your number one leader and your number one follower. Start following yourself, develop traits that if you were leading yourself you would be glad to follow. Eliminate laziness, empty words and wasting time and start being creative and taking steps.

Write down what you want to see in your ideal leader and start each day to transform your habits and soon enough several other people will see that and follow you. Become the leader you will gladly and proudly follow.

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