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The government promised to avail money that will be used to give grants to young people and women to start businesses and even to expand their businesses. This has come with hope being shone into the lives of young people but the question still lingers, how do we access the funds.

There are currently two main ways to receive this money. As an individual or as a group. For one to be able to receive this money you have to be already running a business. And this has to be proved by using a registration certificate or business permit license. Then clear financial records of the day to day business transaction is also needed.

The second and easier way especially for those intending to start for the first time is to be in a group of young people and be officially registered as a youth group. You also need to be in a position to show records for any kind of financial records such as simple banking or table banking. Once you are successful, you get a loan that can help you start a business together, soon you will secure one to start your own.

If you don't qualify in any of these, then start something as soon as possible. You don't have to be among the pioneers to be successful, you can get yours in six months from now or a year from now. But either way, you would have benefited in the long run. So be wise and start now, whichever stage you are in, you can do something and change your life.

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