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We all watched the interesting news on K24 channel, one of the leading TV stations in kenya. If you didn't then it might interest you to know that an honourable man of the cloth was caught red handed and ashamed infront of cameras with another man's wife.
We really dont blog about other people's issues but i was struck by the way it all went viral on social media and the video was already uploaded to sites like YouTube. Isn't it amazing how bad news spread fast!
So what happened? Nothing much, just the usual. Exactly what a man and woman fallen can do. There is nothing new under the sun and it suprizes how many people pointed fingers over this. Am not supporting the act but do we really want the world to know how many things we have done that God has covered and now we point fingers. Sorry if you wanted the full story but am glad you read this because the real story is not worth anything but your life is.
Before we point fingers, let us remember how many things God has covered us and we werent exposed. And for that grace, let us not see each other as worse than we are but pray for each other. Though I fall, I shall rise again!"

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