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Loosing virginity of purity? How to avoid falling into the chains of addiction and bad habits..

Every smoker was once a non-smoker, every prostitute was once a virgin, every drug addict was once a sober boy or girl. Every player was once a faithful partner. Every liar was once an honest person. And every dirty cloth was once a clean one. Every rotten mango was once fresh. Agree?

The once good is now bad, does that mean that every good thing will end up bad? The devil is a liar! How does someone nice turn bad in the first place? Intentional or not when a path is chosen, and every choice has its consequences, sooner or later we find ourselves chained behind bars of ADDICTION in that which we never knew in the first place.

There is hope for anyone in the bondage of addiction but it isn’t as easy as it seems to get out, and on the contrary, there is a far much better chance of avoiding it by staying off the path that leads to addictions.
A person addicted to something bad will tell you how hard it is to do without it even though they know it is destroying them. They will tell you to avoid the point at which they made the mistake and this is the point of this post today. All these have one thing in common;
     The only mistake they ever made was doing that thing for the first time.

However tempting it sounds or looks, please don’t try what you don’t want to regret later. Don’t smoke, don’t cheat, don’t sell your body, don’t sniff that drug, don’t lie and don’t drink for the first time. There is a power in the first time you are doing something, a power that changes everything,which never leaves you the same. The first time you do it, you opened the door which never closes. I will use the case of loosing virginity
as an example. You don’t lose it twice. The devil normally fools you to see smoking as fun, or being a player as a hero, not knowing that you are getting yourself into chains which will tie you up and getting out will be tough. If you lie now, you will need another lie to cover the first one and another one till infinity. If you smoke you will need to try again and soon it is in the system, you don’t control it but it controls you. 

Kill that idea long before it tempts you to try it the first time. Refuse the pressure by the friends to drink, otherwise in a short while you will be an alcoholic. Don’t abort, don’t fornicate even if it is for money. So many people want to be in that position you are, as in Free but it isn’t that easy. Some things you do remain torturing you for the rest of your life.

Maybe you are there and you just messed up the first time. You have already done a mistake but you can stop it before it gets too far. Try and make up where possible, but most importantly don’t do it again. There is what we call secondary virginity. You can live a new life from now henceforth without regrets. Let friends desert you if they want, let them call you a fool but you just take the step and break the power of addiction way before it takes over you. What shall it benefit a man to gain the whole world but lose his own soul…?

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