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Why are Christians BROKE yet they are highly BLESSED?

A Christian is a child of the King to whom the blessings of Abraham are upon. That means that you are set aside for abundance, greatness and well-being. You won’t see a King’s child miserable and broke unless they have decided to take on ways, values and beliefs different from what their family should. You are a channel through which other people should be blessed. You have power and backup that is so powerful
that if you tapped into it you will do exploits and God will receive the glory. When we come last in class, are poorest in the estate and doing worst in business, then we are being the tail and not the head and yet God expects the contrary in your life. The following are some of the pitfalls;

1.Lack of knowledge:
The bible says, “My people perish because of lack of knowledge.” For a long time, youthmkristo has been kept away from vital information to change their lives, financial management, how to create multiple streams of income, secrets of success and wealth tips. They have only been taught how to pray and believe the word but nobody equips them with knowledge of how to succeed in the marketplace. The bible says, that God shall bless the work of your hands and therefore we all need the relevant information to put in practice so that God will do his part and fulfill his word and bless our work.

God has not given us the spirit of fear but that of a sound mind. Fear is the opposite of faith, the hope for bad things to come. With fear, you can’t take a step, a risk. Christians tend to be the most careful ones when it comes to taking risks. Life is all about risks, stepping into the unknown, taking the road less traveled by many. This is the way to greatness. You will never be financially free if you hold on to the security of your job. Fear will cause you to stagnate and in turn you will blame everybody else and the government for living a hard life. You don’t have to see the whole staircase all the way to the top before you start taking it, take it in faith and you will see the rest of it while still on the way to the top.

Most of us were taught that to get into heaven you have to be poor. That was a bad mindset to live with. Some say success will make you evil. All the major characters in the bible were wealthy beyond measure. Break those bad beliefs and step out into God’s plan for your life. We need people who can sponsor crusades and the Gospel at large without looking like beggars. Let people hear and see God through you.

First of all it is a sin. Nevertheless, it is the thing that’s hindering our progress. It is a destroyer. If I knew some secret that can make me money, I can’t share it out with anyone else since I fear they will get better and ahead. Being a giver is the only way that multiplies your possession with a heavenly exchange rate. You don’t lose when you give, you get more. You don’t remain behind but you move ahead. When we hold back, we miss the opportunity of receiving more even a lake that doesn’t give out its waters to other bodies, it eventually becomes dead, as in salty. You end up broke the more every time you don’t give.

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