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Please Wait, Before You Do Something You Will Regret!!!

It is so amazing how even at the best of times one can feel alone and down. Sometimes due to broken expectations or over expectations but all will leave you feeling low and sorry for yourself. At times, it is about delayed promises even from God above. Whatever causes that awkward and depressing emotion, we both know that at one point in time you are caught down there and it is not a good place to find yourself.

It is important to understand that at this stage you might end up hurting and blaming other people around you for the way you are feeling or what is happening in your life yet what you are feeling is just a short period emotion or call it a mood swing that you will eventually get over. 

Am not a psychologist or emotion expert but I have grown enough to know how to avoid letting this temporary moods affect other innocent people around.

First, you need to calm down. Don’t start thinking about the problems you have.

Second, be kind and let someone you care about and who’s around where you are or within reach know that you are not OK. They might even find a way to revive your best mood.  

Third, be careful what you answer just in case someone engages you to talk. Don’t make any major decisions at all. This is because your moods are not in check and you might utter something you might regret later.

Fourth, Music has a way of calming down bad moods. It used to work even in the bible when David could play the harp to get rid of King Saul’s bad moods.

Finally but not least, Speak to God in a soft voice, cry if you can, speak your heart to him, pour out everything do not hold back. You can then have a nap afterwards and with that when you are out of the valley, you are stronger and you didn’t hurt anyone. Sometimes those bad vibrations or moods are an indication that you are under spiritual attack, therefore, plead the blood of Jesus in every area of your life and confess that you are a victor in Jesus name. At the end of the day we are safe in the shadow of his wings.

You can only be the head and not the tail when you protect yourself and the ones you love around you.

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