one of the winners from the recent Tetemesha promotion in Kenya |
“Sinanga bahati ..ama huwa nina bahati nzuri” meaning that I am never lucky or am normally lucky. This is a common phrase we hear from time to time or many times we use it ourselves. We have been having crazy money promotions whereby you would turn into a millionaire by chance or win a house or rather a car if you enter into some draw. It is no news that people are winning the lottery all over the world making us to ask if we are really ever going to be lucky ourselves especially if you have never won anything before.
Luck is very necessary for you to be able to get ahead in supernatural ways. The question is, can someone create luck? Can someone nurture luck? There are so many definitions of luck but this is what I am going to use; LUCK IS WHEN OPPORTUNITY MEETS PREPAREDNESS.
Ecc_9:11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race isnot to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.
There are two things involved in luck; OPPORTUNITY & PREPAREDNESS. There is not much we can do to the opportunity coming our way but from the scripture above, we can see that it is a destiny or fact that everyone will receive his chance on that which they want or desire. It is how God wants it to be. Therefore a chance will always come your way and whatever you pray or ask from God, he shall always present a chance for you to have it. It is like a table being set for you, it is your part to eat.
Preparedness is your part now to play, after praying, you can expect it to happen or to receive. So, when you receive your answers, it does not catch you by surprise. Don’t wait till you receive your capital in order to start making your business plan. Make the budget even if you don’t have the money yet. Don’t wait to see how you will get money for recording your music before you start writing the songs. Don’t wait till you know all the details before you start writing your book or making that website.
As you wait for that which will make your plan complete, do what you can in the meantime. DO WHAT IS POSSIBLE FOR NOW WITH WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE and the rest will get in place later. Living in this way puts you at the point of being lucky. When the chance comes, it finds you ready and prepared. Nobody is luckier than you, nobody is better than you; time and chance happens to them all. Have plans of how you will invest the millions you have asked God for when he releases them to you. Don’t just ask when you are not prepared to receive. God knows you cant handle it, he can’t let you receive KSH.10,000,000 when you don’t even know what you can do with it. It will kill you in a few days if you get what you are asking for unprepared. Imagine giving your small brother in Form 1 25000/= pocket money every week…you will kill him young.
When you are prepared with plans and then an opportunity avails itself, you will be the next LUCKY ONE.
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