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HOW TO CREATE WEALTH - The Mystery of Wealth Creation

Have a big dream but start small
Blessings come from God. It is God who gives us the power to create wealth. REMEMBER WEALTH IS NOT MONEY; it is that which people need and are ready to give money for. Money is the substance that moves wealth from one point to the other or from one person to the other. Wealth can be measured in terms of the value at which someone can exchange or take it from you with.

In past times, the means of exchange was through batter trade, meaning if I need something you have, I will give you what I have in exchange for that which you have.  It became harder to trade or move wealth in that way since you would be having what I want but what I have is not what you want and therefore we won’t exchange since we won’t meet each others needs and wants. For example, I have onions and I want maize where as you have maize but you don’t need onions you want tomatoes. This need brought in the need for a more
acceptable means to measure the value i.e. silver and gold came up.

To make it and be successful, you need to create wealth and not follow money. Chasing after money or Silver and Gold will put you in a rat race. Instead, create wealth and you will be able to exchange it for anything else that you need. Everyone has deposits and abilities in them that will be able to create something that someone else wants. Your voice might be your wealth, your jokes might be your wealth, your ideas might be your wealth, your knowledge might be your wealth, your talent might be your wealth and your hobby might be your wealth.

silver and gold aren't the true wealth, they only move it around
This can be traded for a nice house, for a nice car, for a holiday at the coast, for a trip to Hawaii, for a beautiful wedding, for an apartment, for a company, for nice clothing, nice shoes, nice hair and higher education. The bible says, it is God who will give you the power to get wealth [Deut 8:18] and that he is the one who will teach my hands to war and my fingers to fight [Psalms 144:1]. The power is the blessing that he has given unto you, now it is your turn to sharpen, nurture and work to bring it to pass. You can have whatever it is that you desire and if you can dream it, you can achieve it. Know what you want; it is definitely not money.

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