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This is why you can’t talk in an Investor’s gathering!

It has been a week of profits for big and a few unknown small companies. Those who bought Safaricom shares, though it might have taken quite a while, have a reason to smile on their way to the bank. Of course any speculator would have expected a similar trend, where the share prices hit record lows after the initial offer and then start moving up as the popularity of the shares declines. While the wisdom of trading shares may appear conventional to a majority of business people, majority of the public are not interested in them at all. Funny enough, the names of extravagantly wealthy individuals who have made it in the stocks, the likes of Buffet are at the fingertips of each wannabe investor. In actuality, knowing the working of the stock market is easier than any recent dance move that a teenage girl can learn.  

However, the desire for comfort and the human mind is so framed unless trained otherwise, drives us to improvising means of enjoying the fruits and avoiding the associated work as much as possible. In this case, the plant is our knowledge which we must care and grow daily. As applied in the stock market for instance, knowledge refers to the power that enables one to trade confidently in the stock market. It ranges from basics of what stocks are, how one earns income in the stocks, to the complicated matrices and tools that are employed in predicting the direction of various prices in the market. Knowledge of the basics is enough for one to invest their extra income in the stocks. However, it is not sanctioned in any holy book that one must trade in the stocks to attain financial freedom. There are a lot of other avenues for generating extra income. For example you may think of a bar, a kinyozi and of course the most recently rewarding investment of a church among others. All we are doing here is to create choices through which prudent investors may put their extra income as the retirement age unnoticeably approaches. Have a blessed weekend. 

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