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Changing Your Tomorrow Using Your Mouth (The Diary of a Hustler)

Before anything good comes the way of a young man, it is good to know that it all begun way back and everything that happens is a result of your confessions and beliefs. The tongue is a powerful weapon and what it utters is a seed that will mature with time. Our beliefs are also made by our thoughts and eventually they define our limitations and abilities. Thoughts become things, therefore, in shaping your outcome or destiny you need to check this two; confessions and beliefs. 

One person with belief is equal to ninety nine people with interest only
A wise young person should learn to shape the future they want, by their own words and maximize their abilities by developing beliefs that are positive. Forget the reality around and start creating your own reality.  

Develop a winning attitude, where you believe that no matter what you will succeed. Jobs are scarce honestly but believe that you are among the few that will get the best opportunities. Confess that you will soon be an employer.

Live each day expanding your expectations and remember God will always meet you at your point of expectations. Don’t be in a hurry, plant your seeds and give them time to germinate, grow and eventually ripen for harvest. Include helping others in your goals; if your aspirations look selfish, you will not achieve them. Anything good that comes to your mind, have this notebook where you can write down your dreams, goals, expectations etc. 

A winner starts winning long before the match begins. Win in your mind first, the rest will align itself. They say, it is OK to build castles in the air so that by the time opportunity avails itself, it will be easy since you will only need to build the foundation under your castle to support it.

Don’t miss the next post on “Faith vs. Reality”, to know where to start. SHARE this with your friends using the links below on facebook and twitter or via email help out a friend in this position.

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