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Faith vs. Reality (The Diary of a Hustler)

We have looked at positive confession and developing positive beliefs on an earlier post. It is amazing how we can believe in something that is against the reality around us. Saying things that are not as if they are there is what faith is all about. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for. Reality is the truth of things around.

Faith is not believing that God can do it but WILL DO IT
Be keen to notice the difference, otherwise you will affect your future negatively. A human being is not an animal, he/she can anticipate to something ahead. The present is the result of the past but the future is the result of the present. You can therefore build and design tomorrow through faith. Reality helps you look back and decide on what you want next.

The first time I said I am an employer or someone’s boss; I didn’t even have something to put in my stomach. I confessed my way to all that I have now. You should have seen me when am confessing, you will no doubt believe and even envy me. But soon, everything I used to confess has come to pass. Faith can change your life. What you believe is what you will get. When confessing great things, you are not lying. You are planting for tomorrow. Faith will change any situation. Accept your reality but invest in your future by faith. Be your own mastermind and craft your tomorrow using your words and beliefs through faith.

Don’t miss the next post on “A hustler; getting started”, to know where to start. SHARE this with your friends using the links below on facebook and twitter or via email help out a friend in this position.

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