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Making it through tough times against all odds

Hard times will always come, but they don't last
The story of Blind Bartimaeus in the bible [Mark 10:46-52] speaks of a man who went to the top of his voice to claim what was rightfully his. Despite having been in that condition for a very long while, deep down inside he had a desire to change the situation. He heard of what Jesus
had been doing all over healing other people, he knew that if it happened to others, then it can happen to him as well. 

I have a feeling he kept looking forward to the day that Jesus would visit his town. Now one day, he heard that Jesus was in town and as he passed by, Bartimaeus never took chances, he shouted at the top of his voice calling Jesus to have mercy on him. 

Many people tried to shut him up and shut him down but he couldn't give in to discouragement from others. He knew what he wanted, he never let the opportunity to pass him by and he couldn't give up despite of all the opposition. Soon Jesus heard his cry and the rest is history; He received his sight.

To make it through the tough times;

   1. Know what you want

   2. Have your dreams & expectations [God will meet you at the level of your expectation]

   3. When you have the chance don't let the opportunity pass you by, go for it.

   4. Don't quit despite all the challenges and opposition that will arise against your destiny.

Must read;

God will come through for you in your situation

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