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Living one's own purpose is a dream or goal that almost everyone wants to achieve. Many times we believe that if we knew our purpose we would have peace and live a more rewarding life. That being true, it is indeed unfortunate if you will walk through this life and never leave behind a mark of your existence.

I have seen so many volumes of books that teach on how to discover your purpose but i would like to share TWO pointers to help you bring your search of your purpose to an end.
1. Passion
2. Problem

Beware that you are here on earth to bring a solution which no one else could and fill a gap that no one else would.
1. Passion
The first way is to discover your passion. This are the things or that one thing that really makes you tickle. Not your fantasy dreams of
being a superstar but the little things that you have done before that left you fulfilled. Many a times, you have gone through them or planned to and it was such a fulfilling feeling. You felt more responsible, more in charge and more at peace. This is that one thing that you will do even if no one paid you. It is that thing that you will get out of your way to do it and you will be happy that you did it even if no one appreciated you.

2. Problem
The second way to discover your purpose is by finding out what you have a problem with. In many cases, we were meant to bring solutions in the world around us and there is something in particular that when you see it, it is not perfectly done. When you hear it, it is not perfectly said, when you feel it, it is not perfectly done. This is a sure indicator that you are the solution. Problems are an opportunity for us to bring a solution. If you find a way to fix the problem you see, you will be on the path to discover your purpose. More so if the process of solving the problem or fixing it gives you peace, then that is your turning point. When you see something not right, don't complain and blame others, take it as an opportunity to live your purpose.

Therefore get down, start writing the things you are passionate about and those you see problems in. Take your time don't be in a hurry. Your purpose is the most important achievement you will attain in your life. Keep creating your list and this can take several days but soon you will write down something that will make you tickle or even shade tears. Nobody will tell you to start, nobody will tell you when but you will find the energy and motive to take that journey of fulfillment even if nobody wants to walk with you. Don't forget, your purpose will make way for your provision. Choose to live your life to the fullest. Start now since life is short and nobody knows tomorrow.

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