A discovery I made a few years back transformed my outlook in life. We all grew up at times wishing we were so and so whose father seemed to have it all. Truth is, most of us grow to adulthood with the same mentality. We see some people as those who were priviledged better than us.
The big range rover, the house in the rich side of town and power that they enjoy makes you want to be jelous. We all want to make money. Sooo much of it. When you are making 10K a month, you always wish it was 15k. When you are earning 20k you say if only I earn 30k i will be comfortable. When you earn 30k you envy those earning 100K and above. We even call them bad names.
All along there is one thing that causes you to have a peace to know that you are wealthy nomatter where you are or see. At any stage of income if you ask for money from someone you know, the answer is obvious. I dont have it right now, I just spent on blah blah..you should have said something last week or earlier. Every person wants more and evry person cant have enough unless he chooses to be Content.
Learn to accept where you are but dont give up on the dream you held dearly and the effort you are inputing. But dont live beyond the means you can manage. Dont complain about not enough money. Now you know, nobody has it because he is looking for more. People are more important than money, relationships are wat will sort you out and not money. Money is not everything even if it moves evrything.
Your money is not yours. It is not for your own good but for those around you as well. Look at it like this, you and I are distributors of solutions and help. Give God a reason to make you a depot through where others shall be blessed. You will never run dry. Thats how you will make more money in 2015 but dont blame anyone for not helping you since just like you, NO ONE HAS MONEY!
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